RIP Sir Peter Williams QC



Following so close after the death of Peter Conway, losing a human rights legal giant  like Peter Williams seems even more tragic.

I met Peter a handful of times, his passion and dedication to standing up to authority was a rare trait in a nation as ovine as ours.

His fearless pursuit of justice is something we rarely see and mourning it passing is important.

He was a hero who fought with kindness and intelligence. We have so few heroes left in NZ.

Much love and respects to his whanau. Aotearoa is a dimmer place for his passing.


  1. +100 for the Post …he was very impressive in his tireless compassion and fight for justice for the underdog

  2. Very well put Martyn. Peter Conway and now Peter Williams, both very good and decent Kiwis. Two giants in their respective fields, have fallen this week.

    If anyone deserved his knighthood, it was Williams. Like Conway, he dedicated his life advocating for those who were unable to challenge the establishment.

    RIP guys and thank you for all you have done attempting to make NZ a better place.

  3. As a criminal lawyer he was second to none. And as you know he fought to reform and ultimately end the prison system in New Zealand. Not a cause I can say I 100% agreed with but at least he bought attention to it – a society should not be judged but it’s most privileged but how it treats it’s most disenfranchised. And no one is more disenfranchised than someone in prison.

  4. Who’s ‘human rights’ did PW care about??

    I once asked Phil Cleary what he though of ‘human rights’ lawyers, like me he had never seen or heard of a ‘human rights’ lawyer caring about the human rights of victims or the decent and innocent.

    Prisons have many residents with the first names Peter William, so he had his followers, but I wouldn’t want to live near any of them.

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