Right with you, Rumpy! The unyielding, essential heartache of advocacy

Choosing My Battles and Moving On: I am so totally relating to this honest appraisal of how f-ed up animal welfare can become. Bravo to Rumpy for taking this issue on; the species, including homo sapiens, should all be on the same page or the animals lose again...as always.


As far as talking with elected officials, caring about animals does NOT win them votes so they are seldom friends to animals (who also cannot vote). I gave that up after one try. It seems that the rationalizations given by politicians always involve profit-making to the human species when all is said and done.

12 Years for ‘Boyhood’ and 30 Years for Animals

Disillusionment can be a very powerful force...even for me! Rumpy and Jen (authors of the blog entry linked above) are wondrous souls! We all do the best we can under hideous circumstances and stupid remarks...not for the weak-hearted.


For example: stop pig scrambles/pig wrestling in Maine! We need to stop these in Indiana as well. Please sign (at the above link), please start now to protest these sad displays - children learning to abuse animals through such gang-like bullying behavior.

No rewards should be given for this nor photographs taken; these false "competitions" featuring innocent and defenseless animals purposely frightened for our "entertainment" should become distant memories. They represent total thoughtlessness and an utter lack of humanity.

11 Reasons To Love Pigs

Let's stop these horrors before the summer "FUN" commences at the tragic expense of yet another species we consider less important than ourselves. I asked hubby if he would help me advocate for stopping this in Indiana. Says he is shy around the good ole beefy boys?????? I am very disappointed with his reply...very! Pig "wrestling" is so despicable and hateful and totally bizarre.


How can anyone be on board with ganging up? With bullying? And is this where swine flu probably gets percolated every summer, ready to strike through the winter? This is a total horror! Several members of a species (humans?????) terrifying one member of another species. The pigs, soon to be slaughtered, limp off afterward, with twisted spines and maybe with aborted piglets in utero. Does this mean we shouldn't care?? Correcting the picture of barbarism that this activity validates to our youth is the difference caring could make.

How James Cromwell Can Save Vermont From an ‘American Horror Story’

It would be just fantastic if others spoke up, if churches spoke up, if literary groups spoke up, if youth clubs spoke up, if schools spoke up, if men's groups claiming to work with youths spoke up, if there were NO audiences for such a heart-breaking display of unkindness and fear-mongering. No more cash exchanged!

The Dangerous 'Noble Savage' Myth

Wishing we could ALL care and work for the welfare and rights of all species as a matter of principle and for what is correct minus the human foibles. Our job: treating each other as best we can within our own human bunch would be a great start. I am quite tired of the constant put-downs myself. Right with you, Rumpy!



Secrets of an Old Typewriter Stories from a Smart and Sassy Small Town Girl by Susie Duncan Sexton

More Secrets of an Old Typewriter Misunderstood Gargoyles and Overrated Angels by Susie Duncan Sexton

Read about movies and nostalgia, animal issues and sociopolitical concerns all discussed in my book Secrets of an Old Typewriter and its follow-up Misunderstood Gargoyles and Overrated Angels - print and ebook versions of both are available on Amazon (click the title).

The books are also carried by these fine retailers: Ann Arbor's Bookbound and Common Language; Columbia City's North Side Grille and Whitley County Historical Museum; and Fort Wayne's The Bookmark.

And you can download from iTunes.

Meet other like-minded souls at my facebook fan page

Visit my author website at www.susieduncansexton.com

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message 1: by Susie (new)

Susie Sexton WELCOME TO MY WORLD....the world I should have paid attention to immediately upon my arrival lots of years ago...no matter what anybody might have said to derail me. Well, I am "blessed" as some say (about every little thing these days actually -- from jeeps to new houses to vacations as if any god has time for little tokens thrown in the direction of only a few)) to have caught up with what matters and what is the biggest, most important and most promising issue of all time. Easy to correct....if some greedy souls have saved up their blood money cash so they have some sufficient nest eggs and now wish for the rest of us consumers to enjoy a globe which keeps spinning and oceans which can refresh themselves, rejoice that children in countries other than our own will no longer starve, cancers evaporating away, artificial insemination regarded as rape. Appreciate the animals...let them live where they are meant to live...let nature be a force we honor and can live with in complete harmony. It ain't hard...no more business as usual...but a peaceable kingdom. Peace can be at hand...every species is equally important.

message 2: by Roy (new)

Roy Sexton Susie wrote: "WELCOME TO MY WORLD....the world I should have paid attention to immediately upon my arrival lots of years ago...no matter what anybody might have said to derail me. Well, I am "blessed" as some s..."

Beautifully put - thanks for offering such a selfless example for all to do the right thing before it's too late.

message 3: by Susie (new)

Susie Sexton you mean that you know something about my imminent demise? or are you referring to climate change here? :)

message 4: by Roy (new)

Roy Sexton Susie wrote: "you mean that you know something about my imminent demise? or are you referring to climate change here? :)"

Climate change. Definitely climate change.

message 5: by Susie (new)

Susie Sexton aha!!!!!!

message 6: by Jenny (new)

Jenny I once was naive enough to believe that if we could all look past our own pettiness and focus on the needs of animals, we could make great strides in animal welfare. I now believe we'll never make it past our own noses. Animal welfare fights aren't about the animals- they're about the personalities involved in the fight. Poor animals.

message 7: by Roy (new)

Roy Sexton Jenny wrote: "I once was naive enough to believe that if we could all look past our own pettiness and focus on the needs of animals, we could make great strides in animal welfare. I now believe we'll never make ..."

Sad but true, Jenny. Sad but true.

message 8: by Beth (new)

Beth Kennedy it is never too late. bravo to you, susie.

message 9: by Roy (new)

Roy Sexton Beth wrote: "it is never too late. bravo to you, susie."

Great point, Beth!

message 10: by Susie (new)

Susie Sexton bingo, jenny...I am totally convinced of that also...irritates my soul all of the time...very very astute observation. humans are the most clueless and self-centered species...sad but true. and thanks, beth and roy!!!

message 11: by Roy (new)

Roy Sexton Susie wrote: "bingo, jenny...I am totally convinced of that also...irritates my soul all of the time...very very astute observation. humans are the most clueless and self-centered species...sad but true. and ..."

Right on!!

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