Forum to bring autism experts to Upstate families

Liv Osby

The Upstate Autism Forum will be held at the BMW Zentrum in Greer this year on Oct. 10.

The forum is held to bring information from statewide experts and autism services to families affected by autism, individuals with autism, educators, and disability professionals.

Workshops include Autism 101, which deals with the basics of the condition and helpful strategies; Parent Training and Toolkit, which offers tools for parents who are waiting for serices; and Medicaid coverage for ABA (applied behavioral analysis) therapy.

Sponsored by BMW, the LUCAS Network, the South Carolina Autism Society and the Project Hope Foundation, the event will run from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The forum is free with lunch available by advance purchase. To register, go to

For information on Project Hope, go to and for more on the LUCAS Network, go to