Nurse practitioners, physician assistants linked to higher ICU survival rates

ICU survival rates higher with NP, PA care
ICU survival rates higher with NP, PA care
Intensive care unit teams with nurse practitioners and physician assistants saw higher survival rates compared with teams made up of only residents.

HOENIX — Nurse practitioner and physician assistant (NP/PA) care in the ICU could have a mortality benefit compared with care teams solely comprising resident physicians, a study showed.

Survival among patients in an ICU cared for by PA and acute care NP was 92.2% compared with 88.6% among those cared for in an adjacent ICU by a team of residents (P=0.047), with all other staffing and resources equal, Joe Keller, PA-C, of the Cleveland Clinic, and colleagues found.

The overall survival rates to hospital discharge were 85.6% and 80.8%, respectively (P=0.039), the researchers reported here at the Society of Critical Care Medicine meeting.

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