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(image above) Mary Magdalene
by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

The Spiritual Journey

Do ideal conditions exist for a person beginning the Spiritual Journey?

This is a question I am often asked by students.

Normally what happens is this process begins without our intervention.

It can happen anywhere and anytime.

It is not we who determine the time and place or the conditions.

When we first experience being present it is just like someone waking up.

We find ourselves in a life.

Male/female, rich/poor, married/single, beautiful/not so beautiful?

It is not we who determine all this but a mixture of Fate, Destiny, Luck and Mechanics.

Basically we have attracted a life that for many reasons has attracted the awakening process.

Some of you think it is an advantage to be married and enjoy the stability of a partner, while others wish to be single and freer.

Married people dream of the freedom of the singles and vice versa.

Poor people feel if only they had more money and time to study.

We all have thoughts about the ideal conditions and dream of them

Will we really awaken more in a Monastery? Dressed in Holy Robes?

Involved in strict discipline and hours praying to God?

Our minds are quite capable of producing all sorts of imaginary thoughts.

Many of you were seduced by the call from the exotic East, and some of you even went there.

There are many humans who will advise you and tell you how to find these imaginary conditions.

Some of you even think that being fat is a denying force to awakening. Others believe it is drinking alcohol or meat.

Somehow it is possible to start to confuse the awakening of the Soul with ideal conditions for the body.

Let us assume you have children and a husband or wife.

You start imagining how much easier it would be to be single and free to travel where you wish.

Meanwhile singles dream of sitting by the fire with someone they love, discussing the Work.

The point is that we start awakening and this is the first thing we have to address.

We awaken in Life and have to deal with the circumstances slowly if at all.

This is why I want to remind you all that awakening is an internal process.

First the Soul must proceed with its awakening. Then slowly, ever so slowly, our Souls may begin to attract a different life.

Or at least begin to attract a different play based on who we really are.  

We have to awaken first in the life we have created.

That is so hard

My advice is, no matter how difficult your play is … keep going.

The impulse to go back to sleep is often irresistible.

Remember, you have nothing to lose … except yourself.

~ Mervyn Brady




"Smelling the Roses:
Memoir of an Irish Philosopher"

by Mervyn Brady

The story of a spiritual teacher's
childhood journey, 

told in his own humorous

and eloquent words,

with insightful commentary

by those who loved him.


To order,
visit the Academy Bookstore:




"Smelling the Roses" is also available

in e-book format on:

Amazon Kindle


Barnes and Noble

Baker & Taylor








"The Voices"
by Gustave Moreau

Clear and sweet is my soul, 
and clear and sweet is all that is 
not my soul.

Lack one lacks both, 
and the unseen is proved by the seen,
Till that becomes unseen 
and receives proof in its turn.

~ Walt Whitman, from "Song of Myself "

"The Sun" by Edvard Munch


One thing is clear. We must all go on. 
To new revelations, to new understanding, to new tasks, new responsibilities. 

I know that this going forward may often look strange and shocking at the time, but we must do it.

We must be melted down and remade, over and over again. 
We must pray that crystallization
does not over take us.

~ Rodney Collin
The Theory of Conscious Harmony - September 9, 1954


Divine Love, the heart
of hearts, abounds in
every grain of being,
from atom's gleam
to starry sky, from darkest
pain to brightest joy,
unceasing love kindles life -
a royal promise sealed
with the kiss of peace.

~ Hildegard of Bingham

Mandala: Wheel of Life by Hildegard 


We have no limits or boundaries.
No Faith,
Just a deaf, dumb, blind knowing,
That we will learn to Hear from inside,
Speak from inside, 
And See from inside.

~ Mervyn Brady


Academy Events: January

Awake and Asleep 
An Introduction to the Academy

Sunday, January 11, 2015
Chestnut Ridge, NY

New Student Meeting 
Monday, January 12, 2015
Chicago. IL
7:30 PM

A New Way of Looking at Art:
A Guided Visit to the Getty Center

Sunday, January 18, 2015
Los Angeles, CA
2-3:30 PM

New Student Meeting
January 20, 2015
Great Neck, Long Island
4:30 PM

New Student Meeting
Monday, January 26, 2015
Albuquerque, New Mexico
7:30 PM

Click on the event title for more information and to RSVP


 The Fountain is the monthly Newsletter of the Academy of European Arts and Culture. Dedicated to the study of consciousness through art, philosophy and mysticism, the Academy holds monthly workshops and weekly meetings throughout the United States, Mexico, England and Australia. We hope our newsletter will bring light, love and new understanding into your life.


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