Embroidery Shop Management Software

March 25th, 2015

If you want your embroidery shop to be successful, proper management is essential. Great shop management is obvious to customers because products are delivered on time as ordered by friendly, polite and professional staff. On the other hand, shops that are poorly managed are obvious due to the lack of coming through on deadlines, poor quality products and frazzled staff member. Which type of shop is your shop? Well managed? Poorly managed? Or somewhere in between? 

Size Does Not Matter 

Embroidery shop management is necessary for embroidery shops of all shapes and sizes. Management is not just for large shops that are extremely busy, it is also vital for small shops that are just starting out and shops in between. In fact, if you browse online at all of the articles about the top reasons that startups fail, one of the reoccurring reasons stated is poor managementshopVOX shop management software is specifically designed to meet the management needs of embroidery shops of all sizes. 

Management MattersshopVOX provides management of your embroidery shop is several ways that will help you have more time for better customer service, higher quality embroidery, and ensuring products are on time. Here are some ways that shopVOX will improve the management of your shop:

  • Customer Management: Keep track of all of your customers in one place. No more filing cabinets with folders and folders to sort through. When a customer calls, quickly pull up their file in shopVOX and see their entire quote history, order history, current jobs, designs, and all other information that you had gathered on the customer including contacts, addresses and notes. Here is an example of a portion of a customer's page.

  • Estimate/Pricing Management: Create estimates quickly and accurately with custom estimating templates that are created they way your shop prices. Then, keep track and manage all estimates the simple way! Here is an example of what your list of drafted estimates would like.

  • Job Management:
    Get jobs completed on time by not relying on your memory for every single aspect of a job. Clearly know what stage each job is in at any given moment, know the due dates, know if materials are in house or if they need to be ordered, and know who is responsible for each stage of a job. There are several job board views that shopVOX offers. Here is a sample of the calendar view of the job board.

  • Task Management: As with any business, there are a multitude of tasks that need to be completed day in and day out. Everything from sales calls to thank you notes, and from taking pictures to shipping products need to be done. If tasks are forgotten or assumed they are being worked on, chaos in your shop can occur. Perhaps you have experienced this already. This is why task management is so vital and why shopVOX has an excellent task management system in place.

shopVOX offers much more management than this for your embroidery shop. The best way to learn is to actually try something, right? So, why not try to use shopVOX's production management system, shopVOX Express to see how easy it is to use. It really is so simple! Here is the link to try it for free: Embroidery Production ManagementManagement really matters and shopVOX is here to make sure your manage your embroidery shop properly.