Gore Verbinski, director of "Pirates of the Caribbean," and Steve Conrad, writer of "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty," are teaming up for a new movie about a driverless car race from Europe to China, according to Deadline.  

In the untitled pitch, software companies are tasked with creating the driverless car of the future. But it turns into a competition and then a race, and passengers stuck inside the cars must figure out how to take control as the cars begin to go off-road and off-the-grid. The film is being written as an action-comedy.

"The driverless car is coming,  It's right around the bend, and it represents an immediate and relevant opportunity to explore the classic 'Man against Machine' genre spliced into a large scale Automotive Rally. Stating the obvious – Things are going to get out of control," Verbinski hyperbolically told Deadline. 

Source: Deadline via The Verge

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John Wenz
John Wenz is a Popular Mechanics writer and space obsessive based in Philadelphia. He tweets @johnwenz.