Book Giveaway For Death's Realm

  • Death's Realm by Anthony Rivera
    Death's Realm

    Release date: Jan 06, 2015
    FANGORIA Magazine says "DEATH'S REALM is a triumph, pressing a universal experience through a refracting prism and revealing to us bold colors and nua ...more
    There's something that awaits you on the road ahead, lurking in the darkness at the intersection between the Here and the Hereafter.

    It's at the crossr

    Format: Print book

    Availability: 5 copies available, 717 people requesting

    Giveaway dates: Jan 19 - Feb 28, 2015

    Countries available: United States, Canada, and United Kingdom more

  • Winners

    Darlene Howard, Amanda Petersen, Matt, Breanna Pollard

    717 people entered this giveaway

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    Giveaway Listed By

    Anthony 115 books
    391 friends