Read Preferences wth the MongoDB PHP driver

Read Preferences are a new Replica Set and Sharding feature implemented by most MongoDB drivers that are supported by 10gen. This functionality requires MongoDB 2.2. In short, Read Preferences allow you to configure from which nodes you prefer the driver reads data from. In a Replica Set environment it is the driver that does the selection of the preferred node, and in a Sharded environment it is the mongos process that routes queries according to the defined Read Preferences.

There are a few different Read Preference types. There is primary (the default) which will make sure the driver (or mongos) only reads from primary nodes. This is the default and guarantees consistent reads. The other types can all possibly returned outdated documents as replication is asynchronous in MongoDB. Other types include primaryPreferred, which reads from a primary, unless no primary is available; secondary, which runs queries on secondaries only; secondaryPreferred, which reads from secondaries first, and if none are available, from the primary node; and the last one is nearest which does not prefer a specific type of node (primary or secondary) but solely selects one of the "nearest" nodes - within 15ms of the closest node.

The PHP driver checks ping times to nodes in a Replica Set about every 5 seconds and keeps this information with the connection manager, about which I wrote in an earlier article.

As an example, let us assume that we have a Replica Set with four nodes and that the driver has established the following ping times:

  • Primary node a: 2ms

  • Secondary node b: 23ms

  • Secondary node c: 1ms

  • Secondary node d: 7ms

  • Secondary node e: 3ms

The manager searches the manager for all connections and returns all connections for which a connection matches the Read Preference criteria. For primary or secondary it only includes nodes with that property, for the other three Read Preference types it will return all the connections. The set that is returned for secondaryPreferred is [ a, b, c, d, e ]. The manager then sorts this list according to the Read Preference and the ping time. As we are more interested in secondaries with secondaryPreferred, the sorted list of nodes becomes { c, e, d, b, a }. Node c is first because it has the lowest ping time (1ms). In the next step, all nodes that are more than 15ms slower than the fastest node are eliminated. In our example, we are now left with { c, e, d, a }. In the last step, we select a node from this set. With a Read Preference of secondaryPreferred we eliminate the last node from the list if there is more than one node in the list, and the last node in the list is a primary. The final list to pick a node from is now { c, e, a }. From this remaining list, a random node is picked.

With the PHP driver, you can choose a Read Preference in a few different ways. The simplest way is probably directly in the connection string:

new MongoClient( 'mongodb://a,d/?replicaSet=demoset&readPreference=secondaryPreferred' );

It is also possible to set the Read Preference on a connection, database or collection object. When a read preference is set, it is inherited by every database or connection object that is created afterwards:

$m = new MongoClient( 'mongodb://a,b,d/?replicaSet=demoset' );
$m->setReadPreference( Mongo::RP_SECONDARY_PREFERRED );

$d = $m->demoDb;
/* The Read Preference for $d is 'secondaryPreferred' */
$d->setReadPreference( Mongo::RP_PRIMARY_PREFERRED );
/* The Read Preference for $d has been changed to 'primaryPreferred' */

$c = $d->myCollection;
/* The Read Preference for $c is 'primaryPreferred' */

$c = $m->demoDb->myCollection;
/* The Read Preference for $c is 'secondaryPreferred' */
$d->setReadPreference( Mongo::RP_NEAREST );
/* The Read Preference for $c is now 'nearest' */

In future versions of the driver, we will also allow setting a Read Preference on a by-query base.


Each node in a Replica Set can be annotated with zero or more tags. These tags are for example dc=us-east, use=reporting or systemtype=big. Tags can be added to an already existing Replica Set configuration as follows:

cfg = rs.conf();
cfg.members[0].tags = { "dc" : "west", "use" : "website" };
cfg.members[1].tags = { "dc" : "east", "use" : "reporting" };

In this example we add the tags dc and use to the first and second node in the Replica Set. In combination with Read Preferences, those tags allow you to restrict from which node you want to read. Let's go back to our previous example with five nodes, but add tags as well:

  • Primary node a: 2ms, tags: dc=west, use=website

  • Secondary node b: 23ms, tags: dc=west, use=website

  • Secondary node c: 1ms, tags: dc=west, use=analysis

  • Secondary node d: 7ms, tags: dc=east, use=analysis

  • Secondary node e: 3ms, tags: dc=east, use=website

When we now combine the Read Preference secondaryPreferred with the Tag Set dc=west, nodes c and d are removed from the candidate list after all possible candidates are found and before the candidate servers are sorted according to their node type (primary or secondary) and their ping time. With the nodes not having the tag dc=west set eliminated, we are left with the set [ a, b, c ]. This set then gets sorted into { c, b, a }. Node b is eliminated because it is too slow and finally node c is picked because a is primary and we prefer a secondary instead.

If none of the nodes matches the giving Tag Set, then a connection can not be found, and the query fails. In order to prevent this, it is possible to specify multiple lists of Tag Sets. For example. In this example we prefer the west data centre to be used over the east data centre. If none of the nodes destined for powering the website are available, then we are fine using any available node.

  • dc=west, use=website

  • dc=east, use=website

  • empty

With the PHP driver, you would configure this in the connection string like:

new MongoClient( 'mongodb://a,b,d/?replicaSet=demoset&readPreference=secondaryPreferred&readPreferenceTags=dc:west,use:website&readPreferenceTags=dc:east,use:website&readPreferenceTags=' );

As you can see, this becomes a really long string, so you can alternatively set options as an array through the second argument to the constructor:

new MongoClient(
        'replicaSet' => 'demoset',
        'readPreference' => 'secondaryPreferred',
        'readPreferenceTags' => array(

The MongoClient::setReadPreference, MongoDb::setReadPreference and MongoCollection::setReadPreference methods accept an array of Tag Sets as second argument:

$m = new MongoClient( 'mongodb://a,c,e/?replicaSet=demoset' );
$c = $m->demoDb->myCollection;
    array( 'dc=west,use=website', 'dc=east,use=website', '' )

With this I conclude the introduction of Read Preferences. I will write about the new Aggregation Framework in MongoDB 2.2 in an upcoming article.


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Hi, I have a question on this topic.

I use RP_NEAREST in a couple of queries, but when I generate an index it causes degradation because on the secondaries indexes are generated in foreground.

Is there a way to avoid to read from the secondaries during index generation? Maybe it could be a driver feature or it is an application specific feature?




The client does not know whether secondaries are building indexes, so the driver can not do anything about it.

From the next version of MongoDB, secondaries can also build indexes in the background. This is already part of the development version 2.5.0, and will of course be part of the GA release 2.6.0. There is a server ticket for it.

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