Welcome to issue 129 of NoSQL Weekly. This week I attended RICON East conference, which I really enjoyed. There were some great talks and I got to meet and chat with some of the best practitioners in distributed systems. Thanks Basho for putting up such a great conference. 

From Our Sponsor

Riak CS is simple, available cloud storage built on Riak. Riak CS features highly available storage, large object support, and an S3-compatible API. It can be used to build public or private clouds, or as reliable storage to power applications. Riak CS is now open source. Download to get started.


Google introduces a new NoSQL database
Google is introducing its cloud platform with a "NoSQL-like" database called Cloud Datastore.  It is a fully managed, schemaless database for storing non-relational data. Cloud Datastore automatically scales with your users and supports transactions, as well as robust queries.

Articles, Tutorials and Talks

Ludicrous Speed: WordPress Caching with Redis
WordPress plays well with Redis. Actually, thanks to Redis, your WordPress site can return content in as little as 3 ms

Understanding Riak's Configurable Behaviors: Part 3
This part discusses scenarios where Riak's eventual consistency can cause unexpected behavior. It also tackle object deletions, a surprisingly complex topic.

Understanding Riak's Configurable Behaviors: Part 4
The final part of the series takes what we've learned and create configuration bundles to emphasize performance or data consistency. It also mentions a couple of ways to perform your own stress tests to see how Riak behaves under normal (or abnormal) conditions.

Making the Case for NoSQL
The NoSQL movement has come about to address the shortcomings of relational databases and the demands of modern software development, and it's quickly gaining mainstream attention. In this talk, learn about NoSQL database and how they can help your business address its challenges more quickly and efficiently.

Analyzing tracked events with MongoDB
It is important to analyze data in the fastest fashion, while preserving the power. That's the main concern of this post. We'd explore more about that using the shop tracking system as an example.

Building Web Applications with MongoDB: An Introduction
This talk introduces the features of MongoDB, including the basics of MongoDB's document model, query language, and deployment architecture.

Stinger Initiative - Deep Dive
A deep dive on how the Stinger Initiative is improving Hive performance by 100x.

LevelDB and Node: Getting Up and Running
This is the second article in a three-part series on LevelDB and how it can be used in Node.

Machine Learning with Storm + Redis
Yodit Stanton delivers a demo of building a simple Twitter app to track spam bots and sentiment analyser using Storm and Redis.

MongoDB Indexing Best Practices

Agile analytics applications on hadoop

Introduction to HBase Mean Time to Recover (MTTR)

Cassandra Data Modeling Best Practices

How-to: Automate Your Hadoop Cluster from Java

Live Profile Your MongoDB Server

Building Single Page Web Applications with Backbone.js, JaxRS, MongoDB, and OpenShift


Disruptive Possibilities: How Big Data Changes Everything
In Disruptive Possibilities: How Big Data Changes Everything, Jeff enlightens Fortune 500 enterprises about the Big Data ecosystem as they begin to channel their data from stranded silos into an accessible reservoir of possibility and discovery. Jeff explains where commercial supercomputing came from, where it is and its impact on the future of computing.

Data Warehousing in the Age of Big Data
As Big Data continues to revolutionize how we use data, it doesn't have to create more confusion. Expert author, Krish Krishnan will help you make sense of how Big Data fits into the world of Data Warehousing in clear and concise detail. You'll learn what you need to know about your infrastructure options and integration and come away with a solid understanding of how to leverage various architectures for integration. This book includes several business use cases that will really help you visualize reference architectures on Big Data and Data Warehouse.

Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

JobTracker.app is a Mac menu bar app interface to the Hadoop JobTracker. It gives you easy access to jobs in JobTracker, and provides Growl/Notification Center notices of starting, completed, and failed jobs.

A MongoDB Explorer written on top of AngularJS and Node/Express.

Implements a Schema Index Provider for Neo4j 2.0, label based indexes using MapDB, which is a high performance, persistent map implementation using compression and custom serialization.

Lightweight, embedded, syncable NoSQL database engine for Android. It is the android port of Couchbase Lite iOS.

Neo4j for Android.

New Releases

ArangoDB 1.3.0
Some of the features that have been added or improved in ArangoDB 1.3. include Changes to the Datafile Structure, Rapid API Development with FOXX, Transactions, New Administration Interface, New Server Statistics, AQL extensions, Node Modules and Packages etc

Upcoming Events and Webinars

HBaseCon - San Francisco, CA
This is your opportunity to deep-dive into everything HBase: In addition to exploring a choice of multiple tech talks across four tracks, you'll network in an annual gathering of enthusiasts who have no equal for community dedication or knowledge of the code base. If you're new to HBase, or are considering it, there's no better opportunity to join that community!

New York MongoDB Meetup May 2013 - New York, NY
This month, we'll be showcasing a few MongoDB-powered applications that were built at hackathons and turned into full-fledged projects!

NoSQL Netherlands May 2013 Meetup - Amsterdam, Netherlands
There will be following talks
  • Bare metal Hadoop provisioning
  • Data Science for fun and for profit

Webinar: Impala Unlocks Interactive BI on Hadoop
In this webinar, learn how Impala works, how it is uniquely architected to provide an interactive SQL experience native to Hadoop, and how you can leverage the power of MicroStrategy 9.3.1 to easily tap into more data and make new discoveries

Webinar: How Financial Firms Create a Single Customer View with MongoDB
This webinar focuses on how firms use MongoDB to generate a single customer view not only to comply with KYC and other regulations, but also to engage customers efficiently, which helps reduce churn and increase wallet share while still reducing costs. We will focus on how MongoDB's dynamic schema, real-time replication and auto-scaling make it possible to create a global, unified data hub aggregating disparate data sources, which can be made available to customers, customer service representatives (CSRs), and relationship managers (RMs).

Webinar: Introduction to Couchbase Server
In this webinar you'll learn:
  • A brief introduction to NoSQL databases
  • An overview of the main features of Couchbase Server
  • How Couchbase handles read/write operations and fail overs
  • How to add and remove nodes with Couchbase

Webinar: The Five Graphs of Telecommunications
Communication companies are an obvious fit for graphs, as so many of the critical data sets in telecommunications are graphs. Join us for a webinar, presented by Philip Rathle, that discusses the five graphs of telecommunications, and how companies like Deutsche Telekom, Maaii, Telenor and HP are now using graph databases in their everyday business.

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