Green money shuns some climate change candidates. Why?

This ad, released online today, is ripping it up on the Internet.

Film director Darren Aronofsky pulled it together with narration from Woody Harrelson to try to get people to vote next week in the belief that climate change has been an actual issue in some campaign somewhere.

It leaves unanswered an important question. Where?

There’s a bit of hypocrisy in the green movement’s approach to the coming elections, the Christian Science Monitor reports this week. Some environmental groups are refusing to endorse candidates who are speaking to the issue in favor of candidates who really aren’t, at least during the campaign.

Environmental groups are pouring millions of dollars into the campaign, but not with the notion of changing anything in this election cycle, but to lay the groundwork for climate change as an issue in the next election.

There still are plenty of ads this year based on the environment, says the New York Times. But it appears much of it is aimed at protecting existing fossil fuel production.

Related: Shifting rain could be lowering groundwater (Minnesota Public Radio News).